Capital Gains Tax

Capital Gains Tax

Clients can be subject to the effects of capital gains tax in a wide range of circumstances. 

The most common situation is where you acquire a capital asset e.g. Real estate, shares. Collectables etc. at a price (ie. The cost base) and you subsequently sell that that asset in the future at an increased sale price.

The gain is subject to what is called capital gains tax.

In addition to this situation capital gains tax can arise in a wide range of situations where you don’t in fact physically pay for something to start with.

The asset can be something you have created or inherited, that is eventually sold for capital profit.

In the world of ‘Wealth Creation’ one of the keys to maximising your wealth is to have a sound understanding of capital gains tax and how you can manage and minimize the capital gains tax liability.

We specialize in this area. 

We can provide clients with advice on appropriate structuring when you acquire or create an asset, and how to minimize your tax liability through utilizing the Income Tax Legislation capital gains tax concessions and other tax planning strategies.

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