BAS Returns

BAS Returns

We can assist clients with the preparation and lodgement of their Business Activity Statement (BAS) and ongoing ATO compliance.

Our preferred option is that clients process their own transactions and prepare their own BAS using a suitable computer software program. This saves the client considerable compliance and administration costs. We can then overview this processing and preparation on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis to ensure that it is correct.

To this end we provide 3 hours of free initial training on a wide range of computer software to assist clients in the initial process.

Further to this we provide ongoing training and support as requested.

For those people who don’t want to do their own processing and BAS preparation we have two options

  • We undertake the role on their behalf, or
  • We set the client up on Banklink

Banklink is a system where by the client codes their own transactions on a bank link report. (e.g. They tell us what expense and income items are on their statement).

We then process these details into the Banklink program that in turn produces their BAS Return and annual financial statements.

In future we are looking at an online web based computer solution where people can process their own transactions straight into our computer system over the internet.

The advantages of this include-:

  • Direct online once off processing
  • No need for you to have your own software, that needs to be constantly updated. This system will always be up to date.
  • Data security - As your data is stored on our server it doesn’t matter if your computer breaks down or gets a virus. Your data will always be safe.
  • Time saving – No need for you to send your data to us. We already have it as soon as you process the transactions.
  • Computer Support – As the transactions are processed on our server we can always assist with processing various unused transactions.
  • Reduced Costs to you
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